Lieutenant Commander Jack Crusher
Jack is intelligent, highly professional, and a dedicated father and husband. He strives to be the best at his position even though he may not have all the necessary experience. He can often get caught in moral dilemmas, which frequently take a toll on his emotions. He can sometimes push these emotions aside and but compensated with an immense overconfident persona. Regardless, Jack moved through the ranks quickly and is becoming a natural leader. While onboard the Enterprise, Jack has given his son, Wesley every opportunity to explore his obvious technical and mental talents. He tries to spend every moment he can with Wesley and Beverly, his wife. He often clashes with Beverly over giving Wesley a wide berth in regards to his upbringing on the Enterprise but they have a loving, caring relationship otherwise.
Jack is intelligent, highly professional, and a dedicated father and husband. He strives to be the best at his position even though he may not have all the necessary experience. He can often get caught in moral dilemmas, which frequently take a toll on his emotions. He can sometimes push these emotions aside and but compensated with an immense overconfident persona. Regardless, Jack moved through the ranks quickly and is becoming a natural leader. While onboard the Enterprise, Jack has given his son, Wesley every opportunity to explore his obvious technical and mental talents. He tries to spend every moment he can with Wesley and Beverly, his wife. He often clashes with Beverly over giving Wesley a wide berth in regards to his upbringing on the Enterprise but they have a loving, caring relationship otherwise.

Lieutenant Beverly Crusher
Beverly is quickly becoming one of the leading physicians in Starfleet. She portrays all the best attributes of a doctor. She is highly altruistic, friendly, and works hard for her patients. Though given these traits she is a bit of a know-it-all. She often is scatterbrained and gets too caught up in what she is working on without paying attention to the world around her. This can often lead to hasty decisions inside and out of sick bay. Beverly often fights with her husband, Jack over the upbringing of their son Wesley. She believes that he should go to a starbase for a formal education. She obviously wants the best for her family and will always do what she feels best for them. That being said, she is a wonderful mother to Wesley.
Beverly is quickly becoming one of the leading physicians in Starfleet. She portrays all the best attributes of a doctor. She is highly altruistic, friendly, and works hard for her patients. Though given these traits she is a bit of a know-it-all. She often is scatterbrained and gets too caught up in what she is working on without paying attention to the world around her. This can often lead to hasty decisions inside and out of sick bay. Beverly often fights with her husband, Jack over the upbringing of their son Wesley. She believes that he should go to a starbase for a formal education. She obviously wants the best for her family and will always do what she feels best for them. That being said, she is a wonderful mother to Wesley.

Wesley Crusher
Being only ten years old, Wesley doesn’t have an official position on the Enterprise. However he always seems to be at the right place at the right time to realign a critical power distribution conduit, or to offer his sometimes-absurd suggestions. The crew of the Enterprise adores Wesley and treats him like one of the crew. He is given free roam of the ship and often uses this advantage to get into trouble. Only one of a few children onboard, he has grown up quickly and has matured beyond his years. He is a scrappy little kid who always likes to be apart of the action that often puts him in dangerous circumstances. Wesley has no formal training in warp theory, or technical mechanics but it is clear that he can learn and adapt at an unusually fast pace. He usually sides with his dad Jack in arguments but arguably has a closer emotional relationship with his mother, Beverly. Wesley is somewhat short for his age and usually has unkempt hair in defiance Starfleet regulations. Being as young as he is, he doesn’t shy away from the female crew members and likes to flirt, giving him somewhat of a reputation.
Being only ten years old, Wesley doesn’t have an official position on the Enterprise. However he always seems to be at the right place at the right time to realign a critical power distribution conduit, or to offer his sometimes-absurd suggestions. The crew of the Enterprise adores Wesley and treats him like one of the crew. He is given free roam of the ship and often uses this advantage to get into trouble. Only one of a few children onboard, he has grown up quickly and has matured beyond his years. He is a scrappy little kid who always likes to be apart of the action that often puts him in dangerous circumstances. Wesley has no formal training in warp theory, or technical mechanics but it is clear that he can learn and adapt at an unusually fast pace. He usually sides with his dad Jack in arguments but arguably has a closer emotional relationship with his mother, Beverly. Wesley is somewhat short for his age and usually has unkempt hair in defiance Starfleet regulations. Being as young as he is, he doesn’t shy away from the female crew members and likes to flirt, giving him somewhat of a reputation.

Captain Rachael Garrett
Captain Garrett is a renowned commanding officer. She has served as Captain of the Enterprise-C for five years. Her service record is a sparkling example of Starfleet values and accomplishments. She is a true leader. Not only that, she is professional, personable, has a good sense of humor, and there isn’t a member of her crew that can say otherwise. She is a “by-the-books” captain and usually plays it safe. However if her back is in the corner she’ll come back at you with everything she’s got. Capt. Garrett is in her mid 40’s and makes constant jokes about “the job” turning her hair grey. She stands tall and proud but with a slightly gaunt look to her. Rachael Garrett, Captain of the Enterprise. Ready to lead, never to follow, and always at the ready to turn the bow to the storm.
Captain Garrett is a renowned commanding officer. She has served as Captain of the Enterprise-C for five years. Her service record is a sparkling example of Starfleet values and accomplishments. She is a true leader. Not only that, she is professional, personable, has a good sense of humor, and there isn’t a member of her crew that can say otherwise. She is a “by-the-books” captain and usually plays it safe. However if her back is in the corner she’ll come back at you with everything she’s got. Capt. Garrett is in her mid 40’s and makes constant jokes about “the job” turning her hair grey. She stands tall and proud but with a slightly gaunt look to her. Rachael Garrett, Captain of the Enterprise. Ready to lead, never to follow, and always at the ready to turn the bow to the storm.

Commander Jeffery Keller
Jeffery Keller has been First Officer to Rachael Garrett for over two years and his devotion to his ship and his Captain are absolute. Cmdr Keller was born into a well off family, rich with history in Starfleet. Whilst in the academy, he graduated in the top percentage of his class as he became famous for his unmatched piloting abilities as well as his athletic prowess. Off duty he is likable and friendly to most, however he seems to hold a certain contempt for Wesley Crusher. He feels that Wesley should have a more structured upbringing as he did in Starfleet Academy. He does however recognize Wesley's potential and finds him a gifted, albeit annoying member of the crew. You can often find them in Ten Forward hours into a highly competitive game of chess. As a first officer he demands the highest quality of service and can be a bit brash and unforgiving at first, but once you earn his trust, he'll become and a valued friend, and a commander anyone could look up to.
Jeffery Keller has been First Officer to Rachael Garrett for over two years and his devotion to his ship and his Captain are absolute. Cmdr Keller was born into a well off family, rich with history in Starfleet. Whilst in the academy, he graduated in the top percentage of his class as he became famous for his unmatched piloting abilities as well as his athletic prowess. Off duty he is likable and friendly to most, however he seems to hold a certain contempt for Wesley Crusher. He feels that Wesley should have a more structured upbringing as he did in Starfleet Academy. He does however recognize Wesley's potential and finds him a gifted, albeit annoying member of the crew. You can often find them in Ten Forward hours into a highly competitive game of chess. As a first officer he demands the highest quality of service and can be a bit brash and unforgiving at first, but once you earn his trust, he'll become and a valued friend, and a commander anyone could look up to.

Armin Es'al
Es’al was raised during the final decades of Union rule. Unfortunately, he lost his parents at a young age and because of this, he became a highly self-motivated voice for change. He is a part of a large progressive generation that promoted a peaceful political transition away from the philosophies of the Union. During the final days of the Union he orchestrated numerous political rallies that became the keystone events in the collapse of the once mighty Party. Es’al however, states that he was not apart of the militant group that forcibly ousted and murdered the former head of the government. When questioned about the coup he merely states, “He got what he deserved.” Currently Es’al is an ambassador for the Cae but given his sometimes sluggish, and pacifist negotiation tactics some are frustrated with the way he is handling the conflict with the Ra’zae.
Es’al was raised during the final decades of Union rule. Unfortunately, he lost his parents at a young age and because of this, he became a highly self-motivated voice for change. He is a part of a large progressive generation that promoted a peaceful political transition away from the philosophies of the Union. During the final days of the Union he orchestrated numerous political rallies that became the keystone events in the collapse of the once mighty Party. Es’al however, states that he was not apart of the militant group that forcibly ousted and murdered the former head of the government. When questioned about the coup he merely states, “He got what he deserved.” Currently Es’al is an ambassador for the Cae but given his sometimes sluggish, and pacifist negotiation tactics some are frustrated with the way he is handling the conflict with the Ra’zae.

Tamin Va'rell
A prominant politician who has close ties to the old Union. Though an initial partner of the Es'al government and a proponent for change, it is well known that he profited greatly from his connections with the old government. Currently he holds sway over nineteen districts in the capital alone, making him an incredibly powerful player in the shaky political landscape. With the growing disapproval of Es'al and the new Federation backed government, Va'rell and his partner Co'ras seem to be positioning themselves to be next in line to lead.
A prominant politician who has close ties to the old Union. Though an initial partner of the Es'al government and a proponent for change, it is well known that he profited greatly from his connections with the old government. Currently he holds sway over nineteen districts in the capital alone, making him an incredibly powerful player in the shaky political landscape. With the growing disapproval of Es'al and the new Federation backed government, Va'rell and his partner Co'ras seem to be positioning themselves to be next in line to lead.

Suran Co'ras
Seemingly joined at the hip with his brash political partner Va'rell, much is too be discovered about the quiet politician. Co'ras' power grew in lockstep with Va'rell's but his influence comes from his strong connections to the blooming industry on Cesera Prime. His pockets run deep and his involvement with organized crime is thought to even go deeper.
Seemingly joined at the hip with his brash political partner Va'rell, much is too be discovered about the quiet politician. Co'ras' power grew in lockstep with Va'rell's but his influence comes from his strong connections to the blooming industry on Cesera Prime. His pockets run deep and his involvement with organized crime is thought to even go deeper.

Tare' Ra'tal
Not much is known about Tare before he was appointed Ra’zae Ambassador. He grew up on Ra’kazek where he was exposed to the same working and environmental conditions of all Ra’zae. Thus he has the tell tale physical signs of a Ra’zae; hairless, powder white skin, and endlessly sunken, deep black eyes. However upon meeting him you will be instantly distracted from his appearance by his flamboyant charm. Tare keeps his past closely guarded and to this point; many have zero trust for him.
Not much is known about Tare before he was appointed Ra’zae Ambassador. He grew up on Ra’kazek where he was exposed to the same working and environmental conditions of all Ra’zae. Thus he has the tell tale physical signs of a Ra’zae; hairless, powder white skin, and endlessly sunken, deep black eyes. However upon meeting him you will be instantly distracted from his appearance by his flamboyant charm. Tare keeps his past closely guarded and to this point; many have zero trust for him.
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